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NAHB Remodelers At-Large Membership

NAHB Member:

If your local builders association does not have a remodelers council, you can become an at-large member.


Join the NAHB Remodelers family of thousands of remodeling industry professionals across the country who turn to each other for advice, maximize their profitability with member-exclusive professional development programs, protect and enhance their business with the latest regulatory and industry news and trends, and demonstrate their credibility and professionalism to their customers.


If you are having trouble accessing this product, please call 800-368-5242 x8216.


NAHB Remodelers membership requires membership with NAHB. Non-members will see an Out-of-Stock message. If you are a member, log in to add this membership to your cart. If you are not an NAHB member, visit Join Now to become a member. For assistance, email [email protected].

Companies run by NAHB Remodelers members see a median dollar volume 60% greater than companies run by remodeler members of NAHB who are not part of NAHB Remodelers.*


An NAHB Remodelers At-Large membership gives you:


  • The opportunity to build relationships with successful remodelers around the country you can turn to for advice.
  • Professional development programs including free member-exclusive monthly webcasts, as well as programs at Remodelers Central at the International Builders Show.
  • Monthly ReNews e-newsletter and email alerts that can help you protect your business from costly fines with news on regulatory and legislative actions, and prepare for the future with market forecasts and trends.
  • Discounts at,, webinars and on NAHB designation courses.


Don’t miss out on all of this and more!